E- Waste is growing rapidly and is one of the fastest growing streams in the world. The need to have the latest gadgets helps growing businesses and established businesses to create a pickup/ drop off system to make recycling end- of- life electronics easier. Not only is this system easier, it is safer for our …

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Staples and HP are implementing a free e-waste recycling program. Their program was mentioned to be a great answer that local businesses and communities have been seeking to address the challenge of recycling. There is 80 percent of Americans’ annual e- waste that isn’t recycled representing approximately 300 electric devices being carelessly dumped into landfills. …

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The Indian information technology (IT) industry has been one of the major drivers of change in the economy in the last decade and had contributed increasing to the digital revolution being experienced by the world. New electronic gadgets and appliances have become a primary aspect of our daily lives, providing our society with more comfort, …

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Leaders in e-Waste Management meet to Define Best Practices for Electronics Recycling and Reuse. With the continued expansion of information and higher consumer demand for the latest cutting- edge technology, the need to recycle is becoming more critical both nationally and internationally. More companies and businesses are coming to grips about the importance of managing …

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Corporate Chief Officers and Businesses Taking Sustainability Measures: Is it the new plan? The decision to “E-Cycle” has grown to the minds of companies, driven by financial considerations and other core business objectives, according to a recent survey of corporate leaders Ernst& Young and Greenbiz Group. Environmentalists have long possessed the idea to use sustainability …

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Need a safe, fast, secure way to dispose your outdated electronics? Try a new and innovative approach to throwing away your waste materials known as, electronic recycling. Generally, the term refers to the simple process of collecting, disassembling, repairing, and recycling the components or metals contained in outdated or discarded electronic equipment, otherwise known as …

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